Postcode: 5607
The Boston Bay Rest Area is a large gravel area with public toilets and aa undercover picnic tables overlooking the sea. The Lions Picnic Spot is next door. Entrance to the Boston Bay Rest Area Boston Bay Rest Area location map
The Cummings Lookout Rest Area is just off the Flinders Highway. It's a further 500 metres to the Cummings Monument, which overlooks the Great Australian Bight. Entrance to the Cummings Lookout Rest Area Cummings Lookout Rest Area location map
The Dry Stone Walling Rest Area is close to Lake Tunketta, and next to a long dry stone wall. There are a few small trees separating this rest area and the Princes Highway. Entrance to the Dry Stone Walling Rest Area Dry Stone Walling Rest Area locati ...
The Lipson Cove Campground is next to a nice sandy bay on the Eyre Peninsula overlooking the Spencer Gulf, you will be quite isolated here so make sure you have plenty of supplies with you. Entrance to the Lipson Cove Campground Lipson Cove Campground ...
Entrance to the Louth Bay Campground Louth Bay Campground location map
The Mount Dutton Bay Rest Area is right next to the water's edge. There is a public toilet block here, and room to park your caravan, and Please keep the boat ramp area clear at all times. Entrance to the Mount Dutton Bay Rest Area Mount Dutton Bay Re ...
The Port Neill South Rest Area is just off the Lincoln Highway on a gravel road, with some shade, picnic tables and a rubbish bin. Entrance to the Port Neill South Rest Area Port Neil South Rest Area location map
The Ricky Bates Reserve is just off Dolphin Drive on the water's edge. This spot is fairly secluded spot.Please Note: No Overnight stays permittedNOTE: There are a few low cost camp sites available not far away, my Dutton bay woolshed, Farm beach. Shelly ...
The Sheringa Beach Camping Area has a series of parking bays, each within easy walking access to beach for fishing and surfing. There is a public toilet onsite. Sheringa Beach Free Camping Area location map
The Sheringa Rest Area is big enough for all sized caravans and motorhomes. This rest spot is on the edge of the Flinders Highway with a few small trees for shade, a picnic table and rubbish bin. Entrance to the Sheringa Rest Area Sheringa Rest Area l ...
The Wangary Rest Area is reasonable level and just off the Flinders Highway, pop in and have a picnic at the undercover picnic table area. Entrance to the Wangary Rest Area Wangary Rest Area location map
The Warrow North Rest Area is on a large gravel surface on the corner Ulina Lane and Flinders Highway. There is an undercover picnic table, and a few rubbish bins, and room to park your caravan. Entrance to the Warrow North Rest Area Warrow North Rest ...
The Yallunda Flat Showgrounds Camping Area is just off the Yallunda Flat Road. There are BBQ's and room to park your caravan for the night, Camping here is via a donation, which goes towards the showgrounds upkeep. Entrance to the Yallunda Flat Showgroun ...