Postcode: 3890
The Cann River Rest Area is a long slightly raised area running alongside the Princes Highway, Not much to do here, apart from take a power nap, and then be on your way again. Entrance to the Cann River Rest Area Cann River Rest Area location map
The Club Terrace Rest Area is on the side of the Princes Highway. This rest spot has a few picnic tables so you can take a break from driving and have a bite to eat while watching traffic go by. Entrance to the Club Terrace Rest Area Club Terrace Rest ...
Entrance to the Lomond Hill Rest Area Lomond Hill Rest Area location map
The Noorinbee Rest Area is a designated power nap area, with picnic tables, public toilets and tap water available. Entrance to the Noorinbee Rest Area Noorinbee Rest Area location map
The Tamboon Rest Area - East of Cann River Entrance to the Tamboon Rest Area - East of Cann River Tamboon Rest Area - East of Cann River location map
The Thurra River Rest Area has water on tap, but please treat it first before drinking, there are also picnic tables and a few BBQ's, there is also has a nice walk along the Drummer Creek, remember to take your camera with you. Entrance to the Thurra Riv ...