City: Swan Reach
Entrance to the Swan Reach Gardens Tourist Park Swan Reach Gardens Tourist Park location map
The Swan Reach Rest Area is directly opposite the Swan Reach General Store, so you can pop over and purchase a few essentials for your journey while stopping here. Entrance to the Swan Reach Rest Area Swan Reach Rest Area location map
The Tambo River Swan Reach Rest Area is next to the Princes Highway Tambo River bridge. So it's a handy stop where you can sit on the river bank and catch a bream or two. Entrance to the Tambo River Swan Reach Rest Area Tambo River Swan Reach Rest Are ...
Entrance to the Tambo River Tourist Park Tambo River Tourist Park location map
The Tenbury Hunter Reserve camping area is right next to the Murray River. Here you will find a flushing public toilet, a dump point, and some rubbish bins. Shade is limited and first in gets the spot, this is a very popular campground with fishing right ...